Rob Baan to takeover Pailan Arrows responsibility


The newly appointed technical director of AIFF, Rob Baan, will now take the responsibility of the AIFF development team Pailan Arrows.

Previously, Sukhwinder Singh had resigned from the coach’s position. The team did not manage a single win in the 19 rounds of I-League. Sukhi had said that the players were below par and the management interfered too much. But the Pailan Arrows owners said that there was complete freedom but Sukhi failed to select the right players.

Rob Baan will only be directing the coaches and make the schedule, practice regime etc which is the job of a TD. The coach for this season will be Surajit. The Pailan group is however interested in bringing a foreign coach next season, preferably from South Korea.

Pailan is also very hopeful about their TFA recruit George Alwyn and they think he could be the next big thing in Indian football.


  1. BRIAN WILLIS Brockstar

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    Look this ripoffreport from Don Tigert Don Tigert Don Tigert Don Tigert Don Tigert Don Tigert sala rodd sala rodd sala rodd sala rodd sala rodd sala roddBRIAN WILLIS Brockstar,BROCKSTAR BY BRIAN NELSON WILLIS,Richard Ellenbogen – Bever…

  3. Don Tigert

    Look this ripoffreport from Don Tigert Don Tigert Don Tigert Don Tigert Don Tigert Don Tigert sala rodd sala rodd sala rodd sala rodd sala rodd sala rodd sala rodd sala rodd park ward park ward park ward park ward park ward park ward p…

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