‘India just tried to kill us’ – Maldives’ Coach


Istvan UrbanyiAfter losing 1-0 against Indian football team in the SAFF Championship 2013 semifinals, Maldives’ coach came all guns blazing, criticizing India for playing negative brand of football, referee for giving poor decisions and local officials for manhandling him!

India just tried to kill us in the first 40 minutes. It was a very bad tackle against Imran right at the beginning, that guy even didn’t watch the ball. They wanted to hurt which is a provocation. Every single time after 2-3 seconds they just made a tackle. – Istvan Urbanyi (Maldives’ Coach)

He further lashed out on the referee, pointing out that the Maldives should have earned a penalty and that was also the turning point of the match.

It’s a penalty, I don’t care about anything it’s a penalty. If you watched the game live it’s a penalty. Ashfaq got the ball at the right time, he touched the ball at the right time and the goalkeeper just came and he wanted to stop him. So the contact doesn’t have to be a huge one, it doesn’t have to break Ashfaq legs, if it’s just there and he doesn’t let him go through the normal way it’s a foul. Which is called penalty. You know the thing is mentally it can be a turning point, but if you play against India who has focused to set pieces and corners it can happen, it can make a one positioning mistake. We had a plan, we practiced and it worked. They didn’t created anything except that moment. So the good thing is that the team has courage to come back after that. So even three minutes left we had two good chances.

He also accused local officials for  pushing and shoving him after the match.


  1. Indian team always full of embezzlement and they are always wrong, as you are aware that last year they have mad a bull shit decision against Afghanistan the referee give a read card to Afghanistan goalkeeper ( but they have to know that Afghanistan team is a very strong team now and they will defeat India) in sha allah 5-0

  2. So even though indias goalkeeper kicked ashfag in the leg after the ball had passed him and made ashfag lose balance was nothing much but professional play. That means ashfag is a machine which can detect tackles and flying fists and dodge.When some body running with high speed or an object moving at high shouldn't stop, lose balance, fall down, when its course is altered. I must say indian football team is not only great in football but are very creative & skilled bollywood actors. Not to mention india team members being more physically build. The referee also was also handling the game pretty well. We lost, so what- we will be known for the country with people who desire and thrive passion in football in south asia. Even though we are lacking in land and resources unlike India, where most people are fans of cricket. But I respect India and the people who make it up.

  3. PLZ check the replay BALL in the middle both ashfaq and goal keeper charging at ball. It not that the ball was with ashfaq that I agree we are at fault.

  4. what about the goal that was not given by the ref to india we didnot make big thing about that. Ashfaq scored lot of goals he know exactly when to dive and when to not he is not ordinary player if a goalie come charging against him he know exactly who to do so he dive for claiming penalty. It was not a penalty because there was no contact between the player and both had equal opportunity to get the ball.

  5. "It’s a penalty, I don’t care about anything it’s a penalty. If you watched the game live it’s a penalty. Ashfaq got the ball at the right time, he touched the ball at the right time and the goalkeeper just came and he wanted to stop him. So the contact doesn’t have to be a huge one, it doesn’t have to break Ashfaq legs".

    For diving how can give penalty.but person who dive should get penalty.
    That's why he got card.

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