Atletico de Kolkata vs Mumbai City FC Match Report Result and Scorers

Atletico de kolkata vs mumbai city fc live stream
Atletico de Kolkata vs Mumbai City FC Match Report

Home team Atletico de Kolkata managed to dominate Mumbai City FC as they triumphed 3-0 over the visiting side that is co-owned by Ranbir Kapoor.

A 30,000 strong crowd welcomed the the ATK side into their first ever appearance and Atletico de Kolkata did not disappoint them by winning the tie convincingly.

Fikru Teferra scored the first goal of Indian Super League for Atletico de Kolkata. The goalkeeper had come way off line in the 27th minute when Fikru was advancing unchallenged and he put a powerful shot in. Fikru followed it with some acrobatic celebration as the crowd burst in joy.

The second goal came in in the 69th minute of the game through Borja who first received a backpass off his chest brilliantly and then shot a powerful volley from thirty yards leaving Subrata Pal no chance at all.

Arnal Llibert, who had come in as a substitute in place of Luis Garcia rounded off the score in the final moments of the game as a brilliant square pass from Fikru found him in front of the net and he slotted it in the goal with ease. however, the shirt removing trick while celebrating the goal fetched Llibert a yellow card in a match which saw the color being flashed multiple times.

Rahim Nabi (2′), Raju Gaikwad(20′), Fikru (4′), Stohanzl (29′) and Nato (33′) were the others who received the yellow card in this match.

North East united FC will face Kerala Blasters Fc tomorrow as two of their key players are going to be absent due to non-clearance of visa.


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