Indian Football Team’s nickname ‘BLUE TIGERS’ gets FIFA stamp

Indian Football Team nickname
The Blue Tigers

The football fans around the globe have offered nicknames to their favourite teams. Denmark soccer national team is called Danish Dynamite whereas the South Korean national team is called The Taeguk Warriors and the Australians are called the Socceroos. Indian national football team lacked such a widely accepted nickname to go along.

Previously, some fans and groups liked to call the national team as Bhangra Boys.  But this was not liked by the fans in general and on Indian Football Forum, the voice of Indian football fans, had long been showing their disgust with that particular name. Hence a opinion poll of sorts started as a discussion thread where the name BLUE TIGERS was widely accepted.

I like Blue Tigers.  Hopefully, it’ll get used more commonly and we’ll get past this Bhangra nonsense soon.

Pedro Gonzalez (Indian Football Forum member)

The new name soon started being popular on all social networking sites and the fans seemed to associate with it. Not only that, in many media sections, the name became popular. But the latest recognition which comes in the form of a mention in the article on is a great impetus for the wide acceptance of the name.

Indeed, the regional success not only brought a happy end to a disappointing year for the Blue Tigers, but also got their new year off to a promising start, with the results seeing them climb four places up to 158 in January’s FIFA/Coca Cola World Ranking. on 26/01/2012

It is to be noted that ahs already mentioned the particular name on their website.

Blue Tiger is already being used almost evrywhere in articles and references..even the junior teams are called blue cubs it simply rocks

Ronny (Indian Football Forum member)

As mentioned by Ronny in his comment, the senior team is called Blue tigers while the junior age-group teams are aptly called BLUE CUBS by the Indian football fans. Now the search is on for the nickname of the supporters on Indian Football Forum. Some of the suggestions are The Blue Army, Blue Brigade, Bharat Army, Blue Streak, etc.

To join the discussions and put in your suggestions. CLICK HERE


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